AV Transact
The most powerful transaction data room in the market
All your docs, in one place, ready to transact. Close deals quickly at the highest selling price. Available as an AV Operate add-on or as a stand-alone product.

Max. purchase price reduction due to missing docs
1000s of emails
Reduced each year after switching to AV Transact
Proven in practice
All asset classes: no matter the size of the deal
Achieve higher selling prices
Enjoy document completeness as all your docs are stored in one central hub. Your asset’s market value will never be depreciated by missing documents again.

Effective for all asset classes
No matter the size of the deal, AV Transact has you covered. BNP Paribas and SEGRO’s multi-million euro transactions? All handled by AV Transact.

“Architrave is paving the way for the industry-wide digitisation of transactions”
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bone-Winkel, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, BEOS AG
One platform. Fewer emails
Reduce email traffic by up to 1000s of emails a year thanks to all parties using a single transaction platform and individually configurable Q&A processes.

Seamless collaboration with all stakeholders
Effortlessly share documents with internal and external stakeholders using AV Transact’s advanced permission, role, and privacy controls.
Boost your performance with our complementary solutions
AV Onboard
Transform your paperwork and messy docs into a clean, lean, digital document stack.
AV Operate
Achieve 100% visibility of your portfolio. Store, manage, and optimise your assets from a single dashboard.
Free white paper
How CRE asset managers are capitalising on the slump
CRE transactions are down 70% but tech budgets are up 12%. Why? Some asset managers know how to thrive in a crisis. Unlock their insights.